Happy Earth Day, fellow Earthlings

Today, on Earth Day, we all have an opportunity to stop and reflect on the actions we have taken in the past year to make our planet a better and greener place.


Here at Spine & Sports Centre, we all have a role to play to save the planet. We have taken steps to be more careful about the waste that we create as a business. 

We know that every little action can make a difference, and if we all worked together, we could make a real change. 

From day one, Spine & Sports Centre has been paperless. By providing digital intake forms and online messaging to avoid unnecessary paper use. This decision has kept our paper use to a minimum and saved many trees. 

Recycling is a big focus in our Clinic. In addition to our classic yellow bin recycling, we collect and drop them off at the Perth City Farm:

  • light bulbs

  • ink cartridges

  • batteries

  • old electronic appliances

  • plastic lids

  • bread tags

There, they can be sent to specialised programs and recycled correctly. 

Our soft plastics are also recycled at our local supermarket by the RedCycle program.

By collecting these items and dropping them off at specialised centres, we ensure that it's recycled in the best way possible. Even steps as small as asking for our dry-cleaning not to be wrapped in plastic are little steps we take to be more environmentally friendly as a business.

Little tips for home: 


1. Yellow Bin

At home, you to can make a difference by simply recycling correctly. When collecting items for the yellow bin, make sure that everything we put in the recycling bin is clean and dry. 

2. Less is Best

The best way to reduce our impact is to consume less. Always bring your reusable cup, bottle or straw with you, invest in some reusable veggie and fruit bags instead of using the plastic bags from supermarkets. 

3. Support WA

Another meaningful action that we can all do is to consume local and buy fresh produce from WA to support our local farmers and help the environment at the same time.

4. Get your Veg on

Having one or more meat-free days during the week is another small step we can take, making a significant impact if we all play our part.

These are all small actions we can all take in our everyday life that could eventually make a big difference for our planet. On this Earth Day, let's all take a moment and make the decision to play our part to save our environment!

Emma Cohn

Dr Emma Cohn attended Murdoch University, graduating in 2014 as Dux of her cohort.

Emma has treated people from all stages and walks of life. She is passionate about all aspects of spinal health and believes there is no one-size-fits-all approach to patient care. With experience in a wide range of chiropractic techniques, she loves creating individualised, effective and practical plans to help get her patients back to functioning at their best.


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