Christmas 2022 Food drive

This Christmas, we are collecting non-perishable items for Foodbank.

Foodbank is WAs largest food relief organisation, providing over 6.1 million meals annually to the needy. With rising living costs, over 3.3 million (33%) households in Australia have experienced moderate to extreme food insecurity in the past 12 months. Once again, this year, our clinic will collect special items to make Christmas a little brighter.

Our most wanted food items include:

  • Christmas puddings/mince pies

  • Canned fruit and veg

  • Tinned meat

  • Sweet snacks, biscuits and muesli bars

  • Spreads (jam, honey, vegemite)

  • Salt, pepper and spices

  • Savoury crackers and snacks

  • Coffee

  • Christmas crackers

Please leave them by the reception desk when you’re next in. We will deliver them on the 22nd of December and thank you in advance for all your help.


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