JS Podiatry hours of availability


Our podiatrist, Dr Johan Steenkamp has added to his availability Wednesday mornings from the 17th of January. 

Johan is the principal practitioner of JS Podiatry and  treats patients with conditions ranging from competitive sport injuries to general foot ailments. Passionate about sport and outdoor activities himself, he understands the importance of being active and pain free. Johan’s expertise incorporates both adults and children, implementing treatment plans specifically tailored to have long-term benefits for the entire family.

He has extensive experience in treating children’s foot problems, rehabilitating sport injuries, biomechanics, custom-made orthotics, assessment and management of high-risk foot problems and a variety of other podiatric conditions.

Johan provides his services from within the Spine & Sports Centre throughout the week while maintaining some appointments at a renowned public hospital in Perth.

For your consideration, below are Johan's hours of availability

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Johan's Clinic hours

Monday 5:30 - 7:00 pm
all day
8:00 am - 1:00 pm
alternating 8:00 am - 1:00 pm


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