Shockwave Therapy

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Wave goodbye to those aches & pains.

Shockwave therapy, also known as Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT), is a device used by podiatrists, physiotherapists and other sports physicians. It is used for resistant soft tissue injuries that do not respond to conservative treatments such as ice/heat, stretching/strengthening, massage, supportive footwear and orthotics.

ESWT delivers low and high energy shock (acoustic) waves to the injured tissue, via a hand-held probe. These non-invasive shockwaves, activate the body’s self healing process and reduce pain, through the following mechanisms:

  • Increasing metabolic activity through improved blood circulation and formation of new blood vessels

  • Accelerates the healing process through cell regeneration

  • Stimulates nerves to help decrease sensitivity in the painful area

  • Break up & stimulate reabsorption of calcification within tendons

  • Has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect

The main benefits are fast pain relief and restoration of function and mobility.

What is shockwave therapy used for?

Persistent plantar fasciosis (heel pain) and chronic achilles tendonitis are the most well-researched and commonly treated conditions with shockwave therapy. Despite this, it can be used for treatment of all types of chronic tendonitis, muscle trigger points and even for stress fractures.

Until now, treatment for these persistent injuries, would normally involve extended periods of complete rest or immobilisation, cortisone injections and possible surgery. Shockwave therapy is now recommended before considering these treatments.

How much treatment will I require?

In most cases, 4 treatments placed 1-week apart will be required to successfully treat the majority of patients. A reduction in symptoms is often experienced after just 1 visit, however it is important to understand that the healing process continues for up to 6 weeks following the final treatment.

Shockwave therapy is non-invasive, highly-effective, requires no anaesthesia and has no nasty side-effects. It is relatively pain-free and you can return to work straight after your treatment. Depending on your condition, you may be able to continue exercising whilst seeking treatment as well.

Johan from JS Podiatry sees patients with a variety of sports injuries on a daily basis and works in close collaboration with the team at Spine & Sports Centre. Together, they successfully manage and treat the symptoms that stop you from living the active life you love.

You can also send Johan a message via his website and he will always be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

Visit the JS Podiatry Website →

Johan Steenkamp

Senior Podiatrist

Johan Steenkamp

Johan is our sports Podiatrist and has over ten years' experience working in both private and public health settings.


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