Myofascial Release at Spine & Sports Clinic

If you suffer pain from sports injuries, fibromyalgia, migraines, restricted movement or other chronic pain, a highly effective and targeted therapy is available to you. Myofascial release (also known as myofascial trigger point therapy) is a powerful alternative medicine therapy—using a practical holistic healing approach to treating pain.

At Spine & Sports, our highly qualified multi-disciplinary team provides myofascial release therapy for people of all ages, from children to adults, professional athletes, and the elderly. With various complementary qualifications, our combined team of clinicians includes chiropractor doctors, physiotherapists and sports podiatrists.  

What is Myofascial Release Therapy?

Sensitivity and tightness of fascia, the connective tissue that wraps and supports muscles throughout the body, can underlie various painful conditions. Fascia restriction can be caused for a variety of reasons.

These include poor posture, lack of exercise, repetitive movements, injuries, or scar tissue from accidents or surgery. Stress can also cause fascia restrictions, as mental exertion creates physical tension in muscles and tissues.

All these can form trigger points (stiff areas) in your fascial tissues that manifest as knots or bumps in your muscles.

Myofascial release therapy is a slow, gentle, hands-on technique considering the emotions and energies underlying physical health. With myofascial release, we can help you unlock deeper healing and boost your flexibility.

How Does Myofascial Release Work?

The therapist works on the trigger points related to your condition, applying gentle, sustained pressure in key areas throughout your body until the fascia restrictions are released. The heat from the therapist’s hands also stimulates the fascia network in your body to return to balance.

Why Choose Myofascial Release?

Myofascial release therapy differs from traditional massage as the focus is on:

  • Targeting deeper tissue layers

  • Identifying and addressing specific trigger points

  • Promoting long-term improvement in flexibility and range of motion

From Aches to Activity: Conditions Treated by Myofascial Release

Some of the main conditions that myofascial release therapy could help you alleviate include:

Chronic pain, such as neck and back pain

Long-standing, ongoing pain can often be linked to damage to fascia throughout the body, whether from whiplash, scar tissue buildup, or a wide variety of reasons.

Sports injuries

Whether newly sustained or old sports injuries, myofascial release can help alleviate pain and facilitate a better range of movement.

Headaches and migraines

Myofascial release can gently relieve persistent headaches and migraines, which can be debilitating in everyday life.


A long-term chronic ailment causing joint and muscle pain.

Postural problems

Having poor posture can cause your other muscles and body tissues to repeatedly overcompensate and become overused, creating pain over the long term.

Myofascial Pain Syndrome

A chronic myofascial disorder causes pain whenever pressure is exerted on or around trigger points.

A Gentle Journey: What to Expect During a Session

A myofascial release is a calming, relaxing, and comfortable experience with deep and lasting effects on your tissues, muscles and overall well-being.

Your therapist will first assess your entire body, observing your posture and noting trigger points and any restrictions of movement.

Unlike massage, no lotions or oils are used. Gentle, sustained pressure and heat from the therapist’s hands release stiffness in the fascia, releasing restrictions and restoring balance.

Experience Our Practitioners

At Spine & Sports, our highly skilled clinicians bring both experience and compassion to every session. Each person is unique, and using our multi-disciplinary approach, we uncover and treat the root cause of your pain. 

Integrative Approach to Wellness at Spine & Sports Clinic

Physical health is multi-faceted. Undergoing fascial release is just one technique of treating and healing pain in your body. At Spine & Sports, we practice a variety of therapeutic modalities to promote overall health and balance. You can benefit from our caring multi-disciplinary approach to bring you back to health.

Take Your First Step Towards a Pain-Free Future: Schedule an Appointment in Perth

Embark on your journey to improve mobility and reduce pain. Book your initial consultation to discuss your needs. Experience the transformative power of myofascial release therapy for yourself.


Remedial Massage


Sports Chiro