The Best Ergonomics for a Healthy Bowel Movement

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We all do it… so do it well!

Practicing good ergonomics whilst on the toilet is super important in maintaining a healthy bowel. By positioning your body in the correct way, your pelvic floor can relax appropriately, which helps to reduce straining.

Follow these simple steps, to make every poo your best poo!

  1. Place a small stool under your feet, so that your knees are higher than your hips

  2. Lean forward, rest your elbows on your knees and keep your spine long

  3. Keep your breathing deep and relaxed

  4. Make an ‘sss’ or ‘mooo’ sound to widen your waist

Break the taboo- check your poo!

Type 3 and 4 are the optimal stool type.

There are many reasons why your stool may be too firm, or too loose. To find out how you can improve your stool type, have a chat to your local GP or pelvic health physiotherapist.

Diet and fluids can have a huge impact on your stool consistency:

Stool-softening foods = “wet” foods

eg. porridge, brown rice, kiwis, prunes, green leafy vegetables

Stool-firming foods = “dry” foods

eg. potatoes, white rice, bananas, pasta, hard cheese, crackers, white marshmallows

This topic may be an uncomfortable one for many people, but it is extremely important to speak about, and practice, good bowel habits. Our pelvic health physiotherapist Lydia is always here to answer any queries or concerns you may have about your own bowel health- in full confidentiality.

Lydia Barlow

Women’s Health Physiotherapist

Lydia Barlow

Lydia is our women’s health physiotherapist. She completed her Physiotherapy degree at Curtin University in 2015 and has been working in Private Practice since while studying her Masters in Women’s Health Physiotherapy.


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