An ‘au revoir’ from our beloved Chiropractor, Dr Elsa

To my dearest patients,

I hope this email finds you in good health! I am writing to inform you of a big change in my professional career. After much consideration and reflection, I have made the decision to transition from my current role as a chiropractor to working in the field of workplace rehabilitation.

Effective 22nd of June, I will be leaving my position at Spine & Sports Centre to embark on this new endeavour. While this decision was not easy to make, I am excited about the opportunities ahead and the positive impact I can have on individuals on their journey back to work. I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of your healthcare journey, and I am grateful for the trust and confidence you have placed in me during our time together.

I leave you in the expert hands of Drs Emily, Emma and Mason, whom I have no doubt will take incredible care of you. They will have access to all previous treatment notes and all pertinent information necessary to guarantee an easy transition.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this transition or would like to discuss your care further, please do not hesitate to contact me personally or contact our office.

I will miss the team and patients at Spine & Sports greatly and hope to bump into you when I return as a patient for my regular treatments and pilates classes!

Kind Regards,

Elsa de Froberville

Emma Cohn

Dr Emma Cohn attended Murdoch University, graduating in 2014 as Dux of her cohort.

Emma has treated people from all stages and walks of life. She is passionate about all aspects of spinal health and believes there is no one-size-fits-all approach to patient care. With experience in a wide range of chiropractic techniques, she loves creating individualised, effective and practical plans to help get her patients back to functioning at their best.


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