What is the best sleeping position?

Could your sleeping position be causing your neck or back pain?

Work place ergonomics are the new “buzz words” but what about your sleep posture?
We spend roughly one-third of our lives sleeping (or attempting to sleep)… so your sleep position matters. Not only can it relieve neck and back pain, but the wrong condition might actually be aggravating your condition, or creating a new condition all together.

What is the best sleep position???

1. Sleeping on your back… the favourite!

Sleeping on your back is the best position for full spinal alignment, supporting the neck and back, evenly distributing the body’s weight. Sleeping on your back maintains neutral neck position, considering that you have a good, supportive pillow (see our blog for choosing the correct pillow). Low back pain can also be relieved when sleeping, by simply placing a pillow under the knees. Back sleeping is not recommend for pregnant women, or for those who may suffer from acid reflux.

2. Side Sleeping

Side sleeping is the most popular choice of posture. Side sleeping may be particularly beneficial for:

  • Pregnant women

  • People with acid reflux

  • People who snore or have sleep apnea

Sleeping with a pillow under your head in side-lying, keeps the spine in a neutral alignment and helps to evenly distribute load. You can also place a pillow between your knees to further support your low back and hips.

3. Stomach Sleeping

The stomach sleeping position is the least favourable posture and is not recommended for most people. A stomach sleeping position places a significant amount of pressure on the neck and low back. If stomach sleeping is your position of choice, we recommend a firm mattress coupled with a very thin pillow, or no pillow at all.

Stomach sleeping is not recommended for:

  • Pregnant women

  • People with neck or back pain

Sleep position also plays a big role in your sleep quality, and its never to late to change it up.Like any postural exercises you can train yourself to sleep in a new position that could be improving your physical health and sleep quality.If you want to get your sleep posture checked and get some strategies on how we can help, our Chiropractor’s and Physiotherapist’s will sort you out.

Emily Cumming

Chiropractic Director | Senior Chiropractor
Spine & Sports Centre


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