The Perils of Teeth Clenching

21% of the adult population report jaw pain that is associated with teeth clenching and biting habits

Teeth clenching, and grinding (or ‘bruxism’) is a concern for many patients who experience jaw pain and headaches. It can be tricky to manage, as it can occur both at night, and during the day.

People who grind their teeth are three times more likely to suffer from headaches.

Why do I grind my teeth?

There are many reasons why you might clench your teeth together and hold excessive tension through your jaw. Many of these often coincide and can make management and diagnosis a little more tricky.

  1. Poor stability and weakness through the neck and jaw. If we do not have adequate control in these areas, our jaw tries to find extra stability by using our strong clenching muscles (masseters/temporalis) to compensate. Motor control retraining of the neck and jaw is essential in these situations as it allows for better joint awareness and stability, which in turn minimizes the need for us to clench our teeth together, particularly during the day.

  2. Stress and anxiety. About 70% of people clench and grind their teeth as a result Many people carry a lot of tension through the muscles of the neck and jaw when they are experiencing high levels of stress. This is s

  3. Medication. Some medications can cause jaw-locking and bruxism as an adverse side effect.

  4. Out of habit. Some people clench and grind their teeth simply because it feels good, and old habits are hard to break! When asking a patient recently why they thought they clenched, they answered: “Bringing my teeth together just feels so satisfying.”

70% of people clench and grind their teeth as a result of stress and anxiety

How do I know if I am clenching or grinding my teeth?

To know if we are clenching, we need to make a conscious effort to check what our teeth and jaw are doing. Day-time bruxism is easier to identify, as it we can consciously attend to the problem.

Identify resting jaw posture. Checking the posture our teeth, tongue and lips adopt whenever we are not using them for eating, talking and exercising, is vital in identifying daytime bruxism,

To check your resting jaw posture, place the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth (like you’re making the ‘nnnn’ sound), bringing your lips together, teeth apart, breathing in and out through your nose. If you have just checked your oral posture and realized your teeth were pressed firmly together, there is a good chance that you are clenching. The good news when it comes to clenching during the day is that we can make a conscious effort to change!

Night time clenching, or ‘nocturnal bruxism’, can be a little more challenging to identify.

Know the signs of night-time bruxism

  1. Ask your dentist – If you have been clenching or grinding your teeth for a long time, the easiest way to identify this is to ask your dentist. Dentists are your go-to experts when it comes to your teeth, and they can identify any structural changes that may have occurred. Your dentist may discover cracked/worn teeth or potentially scalloping (small rings) around the edge of your tongue.

  2. You can hear it – often, it is a family member or partner that can hear you grinding your teeth together at night. Pure clenching, however, can be much quieter and go undiagnosed for years.

  3. Jaw pain or headaches – if you find yourself waking up with a particularly tight or sore jaw or headache, further investigation into your nocturnal jaw postures could be beneficial.

Treatment options

The treatment and management of bruxism is different for everyone, depending on what drives the condition. Physiotherapy is effective in addressing motor control deficits, easing symptoms and providing education on management strategies. However, if the musculoskeletal findings are clear, referral on to a dentist for a splint or Botox may be required. Yes, splints can be expensive and annoying to wear, however could be a worth-while investment as the cost of a cracked tooth or root canal is a whole lot more.

If you suffer from jaw pain or headaches, book an appointment and our physiotherapist James can walk you through which treatment would be best suited to you.

James CummingPhysiotherapist

James Cumming


James Cumming

James is our director of physiotherapy and remedial massage here at Spine & Sports Centre. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy from Curtin University, with further studies in Brisbane treating complex cases of headache, neck, and TMJ (jaw) disorders.


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