Patient Resources
Have a Pelvis like Elvis- The importance of Lumbopelvic Dissociation
Lumbopelvic dissociation refers to the ability to move your hip bones (pelvis) separately from your lower back (lumbar spine).
Telehealth Physiotherapy Consultations
To assist with growing community needs, we offer Physiotherapy consults via Telehealth.
Explaining Persistent Pain
Chronic pain is less likely related to actual tissue damage, but rather to chronic inflammation, emotional changes, past trauma and nerve sensitivity.
Postural headaches- what a pain in the neck!
Cervicogenic headaches (commonly referred to as postural headaches) are caused by sustained poor neck postures.
Preventing Soccer Injuries
FIFA’s medical and research centre has created the “11+” for injury prevention and warm-ups.
Tips for a healthy work setup
We have recently seen an increase in neck and shoulder complaints in the clinic.