5 Tips on how to carry the backpack in a spine safe way

How heavy should a child’s backpack be? Moreover, what is the “correct” way to wear a backpack? 

A heavy, incorrectly fitted and poorly packed school backpacks can lead to spinal health problems as a child grows. 

The health of your child’s spine is crucial, especially while they’re developing, and big, poorly worn backpacks may strain and cause discomfort to their spine.

5 Tips on how to carry the backpack in a spine safe way 

  1. The bag’s weight must not exceed more than 10% of your child’s body weight. Try packing only the essentials to reduce the load and using school lockers if available.

  2. Pack the heavier items close to the spine.

  3. Secure the waist straps to distribute the weight of the bag to the child’s hips rather than their shoulders (the hips are much stronger than the shoulders)

  4. Always wear both straps.

  5. Limit the time spent wearing a backpack to no more than 30 minutes at a time.


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